How Long is a Day of Homeschool?

Homeschool Time

A major benefit of homeschool is the flexibility it provides families. Many parents will say the biggest benefit is getting out of the fixed school schedule of a traditional education. But as a new homeschool parent, you might wonder if you’re spending too much or too little time learning. So how long is a day …

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Are Homeschool Supplies Tax Deductible?

Homeschool Supplies Tax Deductible

On Federal tax returns, teachers may receive a tax credit for out-of-pocket purchases for their classroom. It would only be fair that you could do the same for purchases of homeschool supplies in your home classroom, right? Unfortunately, as with most tax policy, it isn’t fair. Homeschool supplies are not tax deductible on your federal …

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Homeschool College Admissions

Homeschool College Admissions

Typically, we focus on elementary homeschool education on this site. However, something that may come up as a concern for parents looking to start homeschooling, even at elementary level, is what happens when their child is ready to apply for college. The good news is that the homeschool college admissions process is not significantly different …

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