Florida Homeschool Laws

Below is a summary of Florida Homeschool Laws to help you ensure your homeschool is compliant.

Note: The information below is not to be considered legal advice. I’m a homeschool mom with an interest in helping you, not a lawyer. I strongly recommend that you contact your state education department if you have questions specific to your circumstances.


Florida requires notification of your intent to homeschool, a portfolio of your child’s work, and annual evaluations.

Can I Teach?

There is no state requirement for you to meet in order to teach.

Do I Have to Notify the State?

Yes. There are three things Florida requires for homeschools:

  1. You must submit a written Letter of Intent to your local school district before starting your homeschool. If you end your homeschool program, you must submit a written Letter of Termination.
  2. You need to keep a portfolio of your child’s work for at least two years after each school year.
  3. Your child must do an annual evaluation, like a standardized test administered by a certified teacher. Contact your local school district for help scheduling the tests.

How Many Days a Year do I Have to Teach?

There is no requirement for the number of school days or hours. However, remember you need to show your child’s progress with their portfolio and annual evaluations.

Florida’s public school year is 180 days, so it would be a good idea to stay close to that number for your homeschool and keep attendance.

Compulsory Attendance Age

The compulsory attendance age is the age range in which your child must be attending school of some type.

In Florida, this range is the year your child turns 6 years old (by February 1) to 16 years (unless your genius homeschooler graduates high school before then).

Public School Sports

The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) allows homeschool students to participate in their activities. You must submit a registration form prior to the season or the activity starting.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully this summary of Florida Homeschool Laws gets you started on your homeschool journey with your family!

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