Below is a summary of South Carolina Homeschool Laws to help you ensure your homeschool is compliant.
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Note: The information below is not to be considered legal advice. I’m a homeschool mom with an interest in helping you, not a lawyer. I strongly recommend that you contact your state education department if you have questions specific to your circumstances.
South Carolina has three options for homeschooling with varying requirements.
School District Approval
This option requires approval from the District Board of Trustees and includes requirements for teacher qualifications, notifications, required subjects, documentation, testing, library access, and instruction time.
Can I Teach?
You must meet one of the following criteria:
- Possess a high school diploma or equivalent and pass a state-developed basic skills test or
- Possess a Bachelor’s Degree
Do I Have to Notify the State?
Yes. You must obtain approval of your homeschool program from your local district board of trustees and agree in writing to hold the district, the board of trustees, and the district’s employees harmless for any educational deficiencies of your child.
Contact your local school or superintendent’s office for more information.
Required Subjects
You must teach South Carolina’s core subjects as follows:
All Grades:
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
Grades 7-12:
All of the above plus Composition and Literature
Documentation Requirement
You must maintain records of the following:
- A plan book of subjects taught and activities
- A portfolio of your child’s work
- A semi-annual (2x per year) progress report including your child’s test scores and attendance records.
Testing Requirement
Your child must participate in South Carolina’s Basic Skills Assessment Program. This test must be administered by a certified school district employee.
Library Access Requirement
Your child must have access to library facilities. It’s unclear exactly what this means, other than you being willing to drive to the nearest library.
How Many Days a Year do I Have to Teach?
You must teach 180 days per year for an average of four and a half hours per day.
Remember that maintaining attendance records is required by law.
South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS)
This option requires membership in SCAIHS and includes requirements for teacher qualifications, required subjects, and instruction time.
Can I Teach?
You must be a member of SCAIHS and possess a high school diploma or equivalent.
Do I Have to Notify the State?
No. There’s no requirement to notify the state of your plans to homeschool.
However, it is recommended that you provide a written notification to your school or school district so that your child isn’t marked absent.
Required Subjects
You must teach South Carolina’s core subjects as follows:
All Grades:
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
Grades 7-12:
All of the above plus Composition and Literature
How Many Days a Year do I Have to Teach?
You must teach 180 days per year.
I strongly recommend keeping attendance records.
Associations for Home Schools
This option requires membership in a qualifying home school association and has requirements for teacher qualifications, required subjects, documentation, and instruction time.
Can I Teach?
You must be a member of a home school association with no fewer than 50 members that meets state requirements and possess a high school diploma or equivalent.
A list of qualifying home school associations is available on the South Carolina Department of Education homeschool website.
Do I Have to Notify the State?
No. There’s no requirement to notify the state of your plans to homeschool.
However, it is recommended that you provide a written notification to your school or school district so that your child isn’t marked absent.
Required Subjects
You must teach South Carolina’s core subjects as follows:
All Grades:
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
Grades 7-12:
All of the above plus Composition and Literature
Documentation Requirement
You must maintain records of the following:
- A plan book of subjects taught and activities
- A portfolio of your child’s work
- A semi-annual (2x per year) progress report including your child’s test scores and attendance records.
How Many Days a Year do I Have to Teach?
You must teach 180 days per year.
It is important to maintain attendance records meeting this requirement for inclusion in your semi-annual progress report.
Compulsory Attendance Age
The compulsory attendance age is the age range in which your child must be attending school of some type.
In South Carolina, your child must attend school if they are 5 years old on or before September 1st until they are 17 years old or graduate high school.
Public School Sports
The South Carolina High School League allows homeschoolers to participate in its activities as long as they meet normal eligibility requirements and you notify the superintendent of your child’s intent to participate.
Contact your local school for more information.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully this summary of South Carolina Homeschool Laws gets you started on your homeschool journey with your family!
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